Exactly, I feel like no one here is actually reading the article. Did everyone just read the subject, and decide to complain?
He said "for most development houses, working on triple-A console projects would be pointless", and he's exactly correct. If you don't have the proven track-record and financial stability of Bioware, Blizzard, Activision, EA, Epic, etc, working on a triple-A project would be a risky gamble.
AAA titles cost millions to make, and require millions of copies sold to make a profit. That's how you get things like Crysis: over a million copies sold, but a financial disappointment because of the money that went into it. On the other hand, you have Sins of a Solar Empire, quite profitable at 300k copies sold.
That's his overall message: focus on making games that are smaller in scope, and thus cost less to make, and thus require less purchased copies to be profitable, and use digital distribution. The prime examples are World of Goo, Braid, Trine, Plants vs Zombies, and also Galaxy Wars, Castle Crashers, and Mega Man on the consoles.