Bitcoin mining on ATI HD4650


Apr 3, 2011
I recently got 4 ATI HD4650 cards, would there be any benefit to set these up for bitcoin or ethereum mining, or would it basically be pointless with these cards?
Google "eth mining build" or something. The go to cards for eth mining are GTX 1060/1070 or RX 580/Vega. FYI, it will likely take you months to recoup the cost of the build, let alone make money. This is assuming current profitability doesn't change, but it probably will (hard to say if it will get better or worse).

Don't know much about bitcoin mining, you'd have to look into buying a bitcoin ASIC (dedicated mining hardware for bitcoin).

How much do you pay for electricity?

TJ Hooker

Litecoin mining has also been taken over by ASICs, same as bitcoin, making unprofitable to mine with GPUs anymore.

You're not going to make any money with those cards, full stop. They were low end when they first came out, and that was over 8 years ago.


Dec 16, 2015
Hardware limits such as the VRAM on these cards make you only able to mine a few unprofitable coins. No matter what you mine really your going to be paying much more in electricity then return in coins. No profit to be made at all.

TJ Hooker

Google "eth mining build" or something. The go to cards for eth mining are GTX 1060/1070 or RX 580/Vega. FYI, it will likely take you months to recoup the cost of the build, let alone make money. This is assuming current profitability doesn't change, but it probably will (hard to say if it will get better or worse).

Don't know much about bitcoin mining, you'd have to look into buying a bitcoin ASIC (dedicated mining hardware for bitcoin).

How much do you pay for electricity?
Haha, it would be nice if it were possible to give you a shopping list, then tell you how much you will make with that computer, but it doesn't work that way. I always recommend to people interested in this that they should research how it works before thinking about mining. And no, asking questions here on a general purpose/gaming site does not equal doing research on this.


Dec 18, 2014
I'm not going to build a shopping cart for you at this stage in the game, you need to do a lot of research!
But I can give you a loose ball-park so you know if it's worth it to read or not.

As of this moment, an investment of $1500 in a new BTC ASIC would net you ~$500 a month worth of coin.
An investment of $1500 in a GPU rig using new parts would net you ~$280 a month worth of coin.
Those figures do not include changes in difficulty, your power costs, changes in coin price, or the end of ze world.