Bitfenix prodigy gpu width


Jan 16, 2013
Howdy folks.

I am in the process of gathering parts for a new build - the only one left to sourse in fact, is the case. I NEED a bitfenix prodigy but im unsure if the gpu i have bought will fit due the cases limited gpu width allocation.

The card i have is a Sapphire hd 7950 vapor x - which according to sapphires site is 52mm deep (i am sceptical of this number as compared to other dual slotters it doesnt seem much larger, in fact it looks to be only a couple of mm's larger than the 2 slot bracket).

The only lead i have found in my quest, was a image on a forum somewhere of a prodigy with a HIS hd 7950 iceq fitted. According to HIS's web site - this card has a depth of 58mm.

I have also seen images of sapphires dual x cooler 7950 in the prodigy and there appears to room to spare, the 2 sapphire cards appear in photos very similar in size.

Has anyone shoe-horned this card into the prodigy? Or actually has a prodigy and the Gigabyte z77-n wifi board that could measure the space for me ?

Many thanks in advance folks :D .


Jan 16, 2013
Cheers for the speedy reply!

Alas, already seen that video and checked that cards dimensions - according to website info (i repeat that based on what ive seen sapphires is incorrect) that card is 14mm narrower than my 7950 vapor x :<.


Jan 16, 2013
If you do a quick google of my card, its clear that the coolers housing only just extends beyond the steel mounting bracket. That surely means that the card cannot be 52mm deep, right ?

Surely the brackets have to be a universal size..