Black bar on left monitor - forced to run in 1680x1050 to fix black border issue?


Jan 5, 2016
So last night I was watching netflix perfectly fine, when I switched over to gaming for a bit. All of a sudden I had a half an inch black bar on my left screen and all my icons pushed over. The mouse would not go past it. If I adjusted in the screen resolution settings, the black bar remained, and the mouse would disappear behind. I changed the resolution to 1680x1050 and it seemed to minimize the bar, but in order to completely fix it, I had to change my settings on my monitor control panel as well. Physically I had to change the H.Position from 50 (normal) to 0 so it would move everything over to the left.

So now Im running one monitor as 1680x1050 and the other at 1920x1080.

Games and videos look terrible now. Suggestions?
So you have a black border all the way around the screen or just on one side?

If it is all around and you are connected via HDMI or DisplayPort you may have to adjust over or underscan. This can be done in your video cards control panel, but check your monitors menus first as this may work best.
I only have the border on the left side of the screen when I am in its native 1920x1080 resolution. But after downscaling my res and changing the h.position from 50-0, it has gone away. But now, Im stuck in a off resolution.

I have switched the two cables that my monitors are running on, and the switch does the same thing to the same monitor.

Just tried that and it does not seem to fix it :/

I did, however when im not using the 0 H.position setting, its even larger of a black bar. Once I reduced it to 0 it only left me with about a 1/4 inch black bar on the left.

Yeah thats what acer support suggested, however that still didnt fix it.