Hello, my name is Eddy and I hope you can help me today!
I have a problem with my PC's TV. I am fully aware of the fact that PC x TV isn't always the best combo because they don't work well together and problems arise. Such problems are in my case either a blurry display, or have 2 inch black borders, or full screen but look blurry and clearly not utilizing the TV's full potential.
I have a Haier 24 Inch LED TV, and I connect it to my computer via HDMI. It is advertised as 1080p and I checked trusted sources and they confirmed that it IS in fact 1080p (because some companies advertise full HD but aren't actually etc..).
The Model is LE24F33800a.
On my computer, I have the resolution at full HD 1080p and I click okay.
On the remote control, there is a button called "wide". I click it and it cycles between "Wide", "Normal" or "Just Scan".
Wide : Unclear, blurry screen
Normal : perfect pixel density, however I'm missing about an inch and a half of border from the top, bottom, left, and right. (black bars horizontally and vertically).
Just Scan : 4:3 ratio. Heavily compressed, blurry. IDK what's up with this.
When I try different resolutions, It's never perfect. Always blurry or blackbars and clear. Currently using 1776x1000 on "Wide" because it has the best pixel density and only half an inch of border...
My video card is an r9 270X HiS OverClock (I now know I shouldn't have bought this one shoulda just bought the regular stock one from AMD because I can just overclock it myself, whatever, first build).
The video card has a VGA port, an HDMI port, and a DVI-I Dual Link
The problem is my TV screen only has an 2xHDMI or a VGA port. Because my computer doesn't have a VGA port and my TV doesn't have a DVI port, then they're both useless. So I'm stuck with HDMI. I don't use it for sound, I just use it for display b/c I have external speakers.
What should I do? I already tried every single combination of resolution in the computer and the setting on the remote control alternating between normal, wide, or justscan. They are either blurry, or have black borders, or are full screen but look blurry and clearly not utilizing the TV's full potential.
What can I do about this? Is there some setting hidden in my AMD CC? Before you ask, I'm on the latest version and yes, again, the TV is confirmed to work 1080p. It is not falsely advertised.
Should I buy a DVI-I Dual Link to VGA converter/adapter? I would buy one if it fixes the problem? What do you guys think?
This really pains me because I paid 200 dollars for my TV + tax. I cannot get it returned, It's been 1.5 years and I tried occasionally but never got it working. Then got the idea to ask you guys, here!
Please take your time to author an answer. Appreciate any help you guys can provide, even if its minimal!
I have a problem with my PC's TV. I am fully aware of the fact that PC x TV isn't always the best combo because they don't work well together and problems arise. Such problems are in my case either a blurry display, or have 2 inch black borders, or full screen but look blurry and clearly not utilizing the TV's full potential.
I have a Haier 24 Inch LED TV, and I connect it to my computer via HDMI. It is advertised as 1080p and I checked trusted sources and they confirmed that it IS in fact 1080p (because some companies advertise full HD but aren't actually etc..).
The Model is LE24F33800a.
On my computer, I have the resolution at full HD 1080p and I click okay.
On the remote control, there is a button called "wide". I click it and it cycles between "Wide", "Normal" or "Just Scan".
Wide : Unclear, blurry screen
Normal : perfect pixel density, however I'm missing about an inch and a half of border from the top, bottom, left, and right. (black bars horizontally and vertically).
Just Scan : 4:3 ratio. Heavily compressed, blurry. IDK what's up with this.
When I try different resolutions, It's never perfect. Always blurry or blackbars and clear. Currently using 1776x1000 on "Wide" because it has the best pixel density and only half an inch of border...
My video card is an r9 270X HiS OverClock (I now know I shouldn't have bought this one shoulda just bought the regular stock one from AMD because I can just overclock it myself, whatever, first build).
The video card has a VGA port, an HDMI port, and a DVI-I Dual Link
The problem is my TV screen only has an 2xHDMI or a VGA port. Because my computer doesn't have a VGA port and my TV doesn't have a DVI port, then they're both useless. So I'm stuck with HDMI. I don't use it for sound, I just use it for display b/c I have external speakers.
What should I do? I already tried every single combination of resolution in the computer and the setting on the remote control alternating between normal, wide, or justscan. They are either blurry, or have black borders, or are full screen but look blurry and clearly not utilizing the TV's full potential.
What can I do about this? Is there some setting hidden in my AMD CC? Before you ask, I'm on the latest version and yes, again, the TV is confirmed to work 1080p. It is not falsely advertised.
Should I buy a DVI-I Dual Link to VGA converter/adapter? I would buy one if it fixes the problem? What do you guys think?
This really pains me because I paid 200 dollars for my TV + tax. I cannot get it returned, It's been 1.5 years and I tried occasionally but never got it working. Then got the idea to ask you guys, here!
Please take your time to author an answer. Appreciate any help you guys can provide, even if its minimal!