Black Ops 3 Poor Performance for my Specs


Aug 28, 2011

I bought Black Ops 3 and for the first 12 hours or so, it ran perfectly at High Graphics and full 1920x1080 resolution.

When I restarted my computer however, I couldn't get over 30 FPS on all Low settings.

Here are my specs:
OS: Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Motherboard: Z97-A
CPU: Intel Core -5-4670k @ 3.40Ghz (not overclocked)
GPU: GTX 770 2GB Ram
RAM: 8GB RAM Corsair (I think)
PSU: Corsair 750W

I'm wondering what might cause these problems? Could it be failing parts on my computer? I ran Prime95 for 4 hours without any failures. I ran FurMark without any reported problems. My RAM is fine according to the Windows Test.

Is it the game or is something wrong with my computer?
My computer has been occasionally freezing or stuttering (kind of a micro lag). Cursor freezes and then works for a few seconds before happening again. Computer needs to be restarted to fix the problem.

If these specs will be in need of replacement soon. What or when should I replace them?

Specs are fine. For the most part, it's just a buggy game, give them a few days to weeks to release patches. Make sure you have the latest NVIDIA driver as well.

Micro lag sounds like a hard drive might be causing the freezing. Is the disk activity light on when it freezes?

As per the above, try running at a lower resolution and drop settings to low temporarily and see what frame rate is. Then if it's good, start increasing the settings a few at a time and see where the problem is.

1) Do that with FRAPS ON and VSYNC OFF
2) put anti-aliasing to minimum or off (uses a lot of VRAM)

Not sure why it worked fine for 12 hours though. Perhaps you're in a more demanding area needing more VRAM? Not sure.
System diagnostics:

1) run MEMTEST until it shows a PASS COMPLETE

2) run CPU diagnostic:

3) Run PRIME95 and allocate more than 2048MB of memory... use Task Manager and see how much free memory you have left (reboot first). For example if using about 3000MB and have about 8192MB total I'd allocate no more than 5000MB.

Prime95 will then read/write to that 5000MB and look for errors. It's not testing ALL of the memory but sometimes Memtest passes but the system under more load is problematic.

4) Device Manager: look for any CONFLICTS (exclamation mark over yellow circle I believe)

5) Reinstall NVidia drivers but choose "custom-> Clean..." install path

... there are other issues that can cause instability which you seem to have but we'll start there.

*I wouldn't bother testing the game until you sort out the system stability. If it's bad memory then try dropping to a lower frequency such as the default 1333MHz and retest.


Aug 28, 2011

Mostly happens when gaming though it has been known to happen at other times as well. I'm using an SSD though and the games are running off a 1TB drive.

Is there any way to test my drive? Crystaldiskinfo doesn't show any problems with them.


Aug 28, 2011

When I say I'm at 30 fps, this is at 1080p (1920x1080) on ALL lowest settings or disabled. I had already tried turning down my settings before posting. I am currently only able to play at a stable 60-70 FPS by lowering the resolution to somewhere around 960-1024.

Also V-sync is already off.

I will do the memtest and Prime95 test tonight and try to post back tomorrow.

As for Device Manager, I see no exclamation marks/yellow circles.

Thanks for responding so quickly!


Aug 28, 2011
I have run all tests as requested.

Memtest passed twice with no errors.
Intel CPU diagnostic came back as a pass
Prime95 ran for 9 hours with 6GB of RAM allocated with no errors.
Device Manager has no conflicts.
Did a clean installation of my Nvidia drivers.

That being said, what is the next step for checking for system instability?



Aug 28, 2011
I've read those types of articles before, the i5 workaround was patched by Treyarch within a day or so and therefore the config file no longer has the workerthread line in it.

I even tried reinstalling my OS, I'm not too sure what it could be causing this FPS lag, I'm thinking it might be my GPU, are there any ways to test it?

I guess just another overhyped to sell to you poorly coded /optimized buggy deluxe game that's commonly put out these days ?? all there worried about is getting that client installed on your drive .. maybe in a year they will have patched it up to run or they will just forget about it cause there next hot title is ready to dip into your funds ??

for all you know steam or whoever is or has downloaded something on to your computer that it don't like ??? you did agree to all that , right ??

cant win 'em all

Alex Dorades

Mar 28, 2015
I understand that something has to do with your GPU settings i also have this issue.
Go to NVIDIA panel and set for black ops 3 all settings to Global and default. Set pre-rendered frames 1 and Power management mode to Prefer maximum performance and apply.
And some Game graphics settings for 8GB RAM which are responsible for stuttering the game...
all other settings can be as you wish, always depends if your system is powerful in getting low frames or high frames respectively.
If you suffer from in-game graphic settings reverting back to the same:
Go to black ops 3 folder wherever you have the game installed copy the config file from players folder to the desktop. Open the file and make:

TextureQualityBakedSunShadows = "2"
DisableDynamicLightShadows = "1"
DisableDynamicSunShadows = "1"
ShadowFiltering = "0"
VolumetricLightingSkipSunSamples = "0"
VolumetricLightingSkipLightSamples = "0"
OIT = "0"

Save the file, copy it and paste it back to the Black ops 3 > players folder there were it was. Make sure you save a copy of the original config file just in case. Also don't use more than 100% render resolution because after 5 minutes you will get a corrupted drop of 10-20FPS constant.
I strongly recommend and suggest you to add another 8GB RAM of the same type always, and a 4GB GPU, to accomplish the opposite from the above measurements/optimizations.