Question Black Screen After Asus ROG Logo


Nov 8, 2019
Hi guys,

The title says it all. I just get a black screen after the Asus ROG logo and the keyboard is no longer responsive. However, after doing a couple of hard resets, it boots up properly. Sometimes it takes 1 hard reset, sometimes 3.

What could be the problem? I tried unplugging certain peripherals before turning on the PC. Except the keyboard of course. I tried googling this but I had no luck. Is it a hardware issue or a driver issue?

Any help would be appreciated.
full system spec? include make and model of the psu

Hi, my PC is a ROG GR8

This model to be exact:


CPU: Intel® Core™ i7 4510U Processor
Graphic: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX750Ti 2GB/Intel® HD Graphics 4400
Memory: 16(8x2), DDR3L, 1600MHz
Storage: Samsung 860 EVO 1TB
It's no longer under warranty. Usually after 1 to 2 hard resets it starts up normally. But I'm afraid if I keep doing that it might run into even more probems