Black screen while gaming


Jan 20, 2017
Hi,i recently bought a gaming pc (gigabyte rx 480 G1 gaming 8gb, i5 6400, h110-s2h, segotep nuclear aircraft 520W 85% 80+) and after 1 min of crysis 3, 5-10 min of gta 5 and others, my computer screen goes black,or gray,or... and i can just restars(if i do it imediatelly after the screen goes black) and power off, and i hear a sound when it goes black....the temps are not over 45 at the cores and not over 62 at the gpu (in crysis 3,didn-t look at the other games)... is here a problem with the 520w psu? the gpu has a factory problem?what should i do?...
That claims to have 25amps on each of the two 12v rails so that should be enough though I am still skeptical of it. Even Google could not find reviews of it though it seems to get decent user ratings. Can you see if the PSU fan is spinning and if it, or the cables to the GPU, feels hot when the pc shuts down please. Thanks.