Black screen whilst playing games


May 15, 2015
So, Playing various games and having my screen go black, I've made sure all my drivers are up to date and fine. The screen blacks out but the computer itself keeps running, I can still hear the sounds continuing but on occassion i get the sounds stopping and repeating the same split second of sound over and over again. It has also happened whilst I'm using google search in images. The only way to get out of this situation for me is to reset the computer.

Specs of pc are:
Inter core i5-2500k
8Gb ram
Windows 7 64-bit
AMD Radeon HD6900 Series (2gb)

I have a feeling this may be more than just the GPU due to the occasional sound issue as well.
And pressing Alt+Tab does nothing?
To stop having to restart, you could press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and it brings up the task manager, and as long as you have the task manager set to always be on top, it should force itself on top of the black screen even in full screen mode.