[SOLVED] Black stuff coming out the side of my iPhone 8 plus


May 3, 2018
So last night I took my case of my phone and saw weird black stuff on the side. I just removed them with my hand but with that more came out. I managed to remove it all (like it was a really small amount of it). But now im worried I damaged the water resistance seal or something. Should I be worried? What even is that?

Here is the picture of someone elses phone (looked the same on my phone): Link
That looks like little more than a bit of "glue ooze" to me.

It's not something I would be worrying about, particularly if you put the phone in the case when it was brand new and haven't checked it since. Most phones end up in places like your car in the summer, when it gets very hot (which isn't good for the device, but they designed to withstand it) and when the glue used to hold on the bezels and other bits is fresh, and gets really hot, it can push out through tiny cracks.

After it hardens up over time that stops happening. Did it feel (relatively) hard? (It won't feel like sand, mind you, but if it wasn't hot when you scraped it off it should have felt pretty solid. What came out with what you could see was what was in the...
That looks like little more than a bit of "glue ooze" to me.

It's not something I would be worrying about, particularly if you put the phone in the case when it was brand new and haven't checked it since. Most phones end up in places like your car in the summer, when it gets very hot (which isn't good for the device, but they designed to withstand it) and when the glue used to hold on the bezels and other bits is fresh, and gets really hot, it can push out through tiny cracks.

After it hardens up over time that stops happening. Did it feel (relatively) hard? (It won't feel like sand, mind you, but if it wasn't hot when you scraped it off it should have felt pretty solid. What came out with what you could see was what was in the crevices where it originated. This stuff is slightly rubbery and never becomes truly hard like, say, epoxy glue.)
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The picture is someone elses xd. I had a lot less of that stuff. But yeah it felt rubbery and it was solid. Should I be worried or is that just a normal thing that won’t damage anything?
And thanks for the replay!
As I said, I would not worry about it, particularly if it does not continue.

Check in a month or two, then again in a month or two after that, and I doubt you'll find anything.

This stuff is both a glue and a sealant and the nature of sealant is that it fills cracks. When those tiny cracks open to "the world" when the sealant is new and relatively runny, it will push out when it expands, and that's most commonly from the device getting hot (not from use, but from sitting somewhere that it's very warm to hot).
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Quite the discussed question and this would have been a better place to ask.


I've taken apart more than my share of iPhones and there is nothing in there as far as glue or seals that should be "Gooey" under normal circumstances.

1. Liquifying the seal around the Screen assembly and the chassis. It's a few millimeters thick and becomes sticky when you apply heat at around 125°F. It will not liquify until you hit around 140°F and it will also not stay that way once you cool it back down.

2. Applying a chemical that will dissolve the seal, Alchohol for one will do it.

3. The battery, bust one open and the ooze can be white, grey or black.

The seal around the screen is similar to this.

It's not a liquid, It is not slimy unless you force it to be that way, exposing your device to situations where that can happen also takes a high risk of causing the battery to expand and push the screen out and even explode.