Question Blank screen on installing Nvidia GPU drivers

Jan 5, 2023
GPU : Nvidia 1660 TI
OS : Windows 11
TL;DR : Screen goes all black on installing GPU drivers.
Hi all,
A few days before my pc crashed with weird artifacts on the screen.
After that, i started getting black screens (no mouse pointer) after BIOS Screen.
I was able to log in to safe mode, and removed all drivers using DDU. After that normal windows loggin worked as well.
But as soon as i install drivers again, it goes blank and same loop beings.
Things i tried :
  1. Installed drivers from archive
  2. Installed drivers from Windows Update
  3. Re-installed Windows 11 from scratch
  4. Removed dust from GPU
  5. Used on-board GPU - which gives a BSOD KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED
I called few local hardware repair shop, but they have zero knowledge about this.
Is my GPU toast or like a PSU issue? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you