Blizzard Cracks Down Erotic Role-Playing in WoW

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Players can't report this through an in game GM service?

Not that the kiddies are going to report the teehee moments but in many MMOs the more mature community does an OK job of reporting ToS violations if they're given an easy enough method.
lol how did you ever come across that webpage... what do you google LOL!

I think Bliz should get some balls and ban people, sexual comments have no place in a game with SO many children. Rasism doesnt have a place anywhere with anyone... Ban these people already!
I wonder if Blizzards original business plan read something like...
"As 25% of the world is totally undatable, and therefore unlikely to have sex involving another person, our projected first year revenue figures..."
Why not just card individuals for age before they enter the Inn.

Seems easy enough for users to prove their age when starting an account. Then their account can be tagged with the user's actual age.
The virtual environment can then be set up with areas that are 18+ or 21+ only.
All anyone have to do is go on almost any forums on the internet and you'll get much worse.

That "Dad" needs to go to Urban Dictionary just for the fun of it...
[citation][nom]hufnagel[/nom]Why not just card individuals for age before they enter the Inn.Seems easy enough for users to prove their age when starting an account. Then their account can be tagged with the user's actual age.The virtual environment can then be set up with areas that are 18+ or 21+ only.[/citation]
Then the player can take off all there armor and \dance
"Line after line, having absolutely NOTHING to do with RP: sexual emotes, gay bashing, racial comments...."

So it's basically like 90% of the comments posted on YouTube? Welcome to the internet, cheers!
Reality: Parent decides to cancel the service and uses this as an excuse.
It's not like the kids wouldn't be around the screen teeheeing about something else if there wasn't a Goldshire Inn. Here's the real question, what kind of sorry excuse for a parent leaves not only their own child, but OTHER people's children completely unsupervised with internet access. He's lucky if the other parents don't sue him for exposing their children to such horrific things as adult text in this day and age.
Look, anyone who sex RP's in a mmo is a total asshat but, the FACT remains it is a M rated game. IT HAS MATURE CONTENT ON IT!!!!! Its not a game for little kids, and if you are a father who has a problem with the language/situations then don't let your kid play the M rated game
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