[citation][nom]SneakySnake[/nom]It's capable of a lot more then the 360 and PS3. It has a slower CPU, but it's GPU is significantly faster, and it has 2 GB's of RAM, compared to the xbox's 512 MB, and the PS3's 256+256[/citation]
Don't forget that 1 of it's 2 GB's is unusable by games. And while I agree that the GPU is better than the 360's or PS3's, it seems to me that the fact that the CPU is slower would bottleneck the GPU in most situations. That seems to be the case, as several developers have commented on how the CPU is bottlenecking the system. I'm sure that certain developers will take the time to work around that limitation, making games that are less CPU intensive and more GPU intensive, but whether or not Blizzard will is the question. The minimum for Diablo 3 is a Pentium D I believe. I'm still rocking an archaic D in my PC, and I'm fairly certain that it's still better than the 360 and PS3's processors, so if the Wii U's CPU is even slower than the 360 and PS3, it seems to me like it would prevent Diablo 3 from working on the Wii without some serious optimizations. Just my opinion though, I'm no game designer.