Blizzard May Offer Reaper of Souls Special Edition

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I want to be able to play my games even if my internet dies. Removing the AH and getting back to proper loot drops is step 1. But remove a connection to is a pre-requisit. But I would like to get the collectors edition if it comes with all the standards that a Blizzard CE normally does.
People who think DIablo 3 is a failure, or post that they never want to buy anything from Blizzard should stop saying so. no one cares. If you dont like their games, don't buy or play them. Pretty simple concept.

That being said, this being posted as news can now be filed along with other breaking news, along with the sky being blue, and fire being hot.
Blizzard are up to their necks in capitalist greed, constantly trying to leech off players with micro-transactions...removing the auction house is too little too late...when the bots that currently populate the D3 servers leave (due to no auction house), we'll see how many "real" players play this game. Oh and they're at it again, with Hearthstone, now we get to pay for cards...more micro-transactions. Maybe micro-transactions would be fine if the game was free to play...but paying $60 for a game and then paying micro-transactions on top of that is too much. Not to mention the game was designed for consoles to begin with, with mediocre graphics and a skill progression system designed for mental invalids.

Advice for Blizzard:
#1 - Have your CEO wear a Darth Vader mask
#2 - Change name from Blizzard, to Greedzard
diablo 3 sucks I wasted my money on this crappy game and its still only in dx9 It was fun the first 2 times you beat it but after that its pointless. You can beat the game in like 4 hours with a group of people
Removal of the AH and fixing of the loot system are easily the most important changes I'm looking forward to. That turned a definite no-sale in me to a probable.
What still gives me pause is the content being offered. D2 Exp offered 1 new Act and 2 new classes. They are offering 1 Act and 1 Class in the D3 Exp. Now, let me explain why this is such a problem. D3 has a re-playability issue. The skill and attribute system negate the need, or desire, for multiple play-thrus of a class. This diminishes the importance of the new act because current classes may only see Act5 Inferno. Playing classes from scratch will see the most fun from 5-act run-thrus but plenty of players will only have the new class to do that in. This makes new classes more valuable content-wise than acts. They should be adding at least two, maybe three new. I'd pay $40 for that or $60 for CE.
I probably will get it as well. Along with the console version of the game once it is released on next gen. The game is not bad, it is allot of is just not on Diablo 2's level.

That sounds really sad.

I'm still not buying rather you care or not js
Diablo 3 is my most disheartening gaming experience I was ever to be insulted with. I will still frequent the D3 forums and laugh at the great divide that will continue to entertain the unwashed masses that will still play this game. I can't believe our generation fell for this corporate lab experiement, I hope you know how the folks at the helm are playing you all as pawns. RNG formula rigged by adaptive monitoring of everything you do in game, from what you carry in stash, what you use as weapon most of the time, what your mouse cursor pauses on in AH, or when vendoring, this is your rigged RNG defined you poor souls that have been reaped.

Blizzard made this to serve as a mini-game to give the WOW crowd a small diversion, this was not in the least tailored as a standalone franchise. They have their own phorking game, why did you have to pea all over this one?

Saldy, I'm still going to buy the expansions, I just really do love the cutscene quality of Blizzard games, but I know that it's a totally different team at the helm for that one, so I support the artistry.

Thx for reminding me about POE coming out!0
BIG fuking surprise....

They sent me a survey about the expansion, but it's just a fking advertisement. It askes you if you know all those GREAT features about the upcoming expansion....
"The upcoming expansion will add a fourth Act to the campaign"

Well, to be honest the game felt like it had 3 acts anyway, so maybe this is not a typo?
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