Not excited about MoP (1st time I haven't been excited about a WoW Xpack), and frankly, while I expect Titan to be a technical marvel, I'm tired of the stories the developers are telling. Same devs, same old themes, some that started in Diablo. Not excited about Blizzard, which I think is "over the hill" and on the decline.
Thankfully, Gearbox has created a gem called Borderlands, and Borderlands 2 will come out Sept. 18 (in the U.S.). Gearbox is a company that's still excited about their games; if you've ever heard CEO Randy Pitchford talk about Gearbox games in general and Borderlands 2 specifically, you know what I'm talking about. BLT looks to be better than the original in every way you can imagine - including graphics on the PC. PC players aren't getting just a port this time, they are getting the good stuff that can only be done on a PC.
So, come September I'll be excited, but this time it'll be for a "RP Shooter" called Borderlands 2, not the WoW Xpack and not an MMOG.