Blizzard Still Says no Free-to-Play for World of Warcraft

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Then they'll just cancel it, currently they have no reason to change it, true enough they're losing public but I bet it's still a huge profit to have 7.6 million subscribers...
The free to play, aka pay to win model sucks.

Even with their current numbers, WOW still has the largest player base in history, and the game has been out for over 10 years. They obviously don't need to go to a pay to win model. If anything, WOW has changed too much.
^ not all free to play games are pay to win... look at games like tf2 where people buy hats for their collection and some will pay stupid amounts for a hat
do you need a hat? no

at the moment tera online (eu) has xp boosts (I have no issue with them and tbh they are useless now that the levelling process has been sped up a little since launch (less xp I needed per level and some quests have been removed/changed) the gold boosts are too short/not much of a boost to affect much unless you plan to spend an hour of solid grinding)
the rest is all cosmetics, keys for lockboxes, mounts (not as fast as the fastest mount you can get in game they just look nice) (all of which you can buy from other players in game) and things like personal shop keepers/bankers you can summon and an atlas that lets you teleport to villages

basically apart from the gold boosts (30% for one hour I think is the highest) and some might say the mounts there is no pay to win)

ooh yeah forgot about the extra character and bank slots for non veteran players (but you can easily have multiple accounts - account bound items don't really exist outside of that atlas I mentioned)
People have been dropping from WoW but honestly they have been very successful over the years so I'm not surprised they aren't considering F2P. I played this game religiously for a good 4 years after it came out, with a few long breaks and restarts there after, gawd I'm so thankful I finally gave it up for good. It was fun in the early days, the quests, adventure, exploring, race to 60 etc... It's just turned into a rehashed unevolved hunk of ppoh, it's the same quests, the same dungeons over and over again and have made the game too easy.
They won't even think about it till the sub probably drop to 1million or less at that point they will have there new MMO out anways so I could see them saying sub to our new MMO and get WoW sub for free (still would probably have for the last expansion). However I bet there new system has F2p build into the code so they can just turn it on if they need too with out total rework.
The only way I'd ever consider playing that game is if they would make a programmable interface for it. Then I'd probably get carried away and buy like 10 subscriptions so I could have my gang of droids own the game.
I've always thought that perhaps over time what they could do was increase the levels for a free player. For example 1-2 expansions old could be a benchmark so right now if someone had up to cata they would be able to play cata and not face a sub fee but when they paid for mop they would.
I've always thought that perhaps over time what they could do was increase the levels for a free player. For example 1-2 expansions old could be a benchmark so right now if someone had up to cata they would be able to play cata and not face a sub fee but when they paid for mop they would.
There is no good reason for them to go FTP, 7.6 million subs, most of which are paying $10 to $15 dollars a month, plus whatever their Asian market players are paying (different payment options in places like China). They are making money hand over fist, which negates calls for FTP. As others have said, they would have to get down to about 1 or 2 million subs and then they would probably just shut it down, convert the servers to run Titan and start over.
When I look at the way great MMOs like RIFT has gone with their F2P (where you can buy all the best mounts, armour, weapons, etc) then I rather prefer subscription based MMOs. Even things like archaeology was totally destroyed since you can buy everything which would normally only be super difficult rewards to get for months, even years, of dedication.

Epic fail.
Eventually WOW will go the way of the Do Do. Everquest at one time had a huge fan base, many servers and now it basically runs on steam. I have no idea why SOE keeps it afloat. WOW will be in the same in time.
It seems like nobody is talking about the middle ground. Instead of just FTP or the current model, wouldn't it make more sense for Blizzard to just reduce the monthly subscription price? If they want to attract new gamers, the under 18 crowd is the way to go, but with a yearly subscription costing $120+, it's likely too expensive for a lot of parents (and teenagers) to afford. Lower the cost to 5 bucks a month, and they'd see a huge upswing in new subscribers, and far fewer people leaving.
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