Blizzard Still Says no Free-to-Play for World of Warcraft

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I burnt out on WoW years ago but that would be pretty much kill the game. It's doubtful they could somehow get a sustained income that they get from the $15 subscription without ruining the game.
WHAT!!! They instead decided to take the $114,000,000 dollars each month that 7.6 million subcribers give them. REALLY, what a shock.

7.6m * $15 = $114M
what about increasing the F2P level from 20 to 70? That way, some of the content could be enjoyed and thus attracting/encouraging more players to actually subscribe for full content.
Good. Keeps out the riff raff. I would also imagine the content would be horrid and then all subscribers will bail. If you can't afford 12 bucks per shouldn't be playing video games and should be looking for a job.

I don't think anyone is suggesting the entire game go entirely F2P. But within the first 20 levels it won't hook you in. I liked what someone else had suggested 1-70 are free. I suggested earlier 2 expansions old should be up to that point free. The point would be if people are interested in progressing to more current content they would pay for it.

there are quite a handful of F2P MMOs that run on a "premium item/subscription" model that are actually successful. Warframe, MechWarrior Online, War Thunder, Cabal, Entropia Universe, Exteel, Gunz: The Duel, MapleStory, Ragnarok, Runescape, the list goes on. Some of the ones I listed have been out for over 3 years (Warframe, MWO, and War Thunder being the most recently made games). However, the majority on that list have been around for quite a while, and have always offered the open of F2P or premium accounts/items (meaning you aren't forced to pay to play).

Not all F2P's are failures. They are only failures if they lack the proper marketing strategy to get money from the players.
F2P ruined COH/COV and other games.

Subscription gaming was just fine from a game that is worth it. COH did great with updates for a while, but started slipping then lost players. F2P was just a last ditch effort to save the game.

GW2 was ok for the most part(pay for looking cool does not effect the game and the small xp boosts can be found in game anyway).
WOW needs a serious graphics upgrade. Even if I were interested in playing, which I never have been, and never would have been, even if I had Internet back in 2005 and even if it were free to play, nonetheless, I wouldn't consider playing with the current graphics. It's not just the old graphics, it's the whole style I don't like. It just doesn't work for an mmo for me. Aion and Tera have much better styles. Too bad Aion died, but at least Tera is still going strong-ish.

F2P has bright moments as well take a look at DOTA2 or LOL

The game isn't a graphic masterpiece because its built for a massive audience to be able to play it.
The ironic thing about "free to play" mmorpg's is that if you find one you like then you wish it had a subscription fee.

Also to note, 15 bucks 10 years ago was worth lot more, today you get MORE for your money then before.

MMORPG's that go free to play are failed mmo's that the investors want their money back ASAP. Blizzard and SquareEnix don't have investors they are successful for a reason.

World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy will NEVER go FREE TO Play and for good reason.

Free to play = failed.

I find it so very funny that people want a successful and amazing game to go free to play. If you can't afford 15 bucks month maybe you should stop playing MMORPG's.. and get a better job.. or career choice.

You are simply wrong.

MMO's that go free to play are failed MMO's. It's that simple, Star Wars, Rift..etc are MMORPG's that failed and the investors want their money back ASAP.

Blizzard uses their OWN money cause they are successful and has been from the start.

Wanting it to go free to play is moronic and pathetic. You WANT it to stay sub only.

The main issue I think people have is that the game is 10 years old. It appeals to a huge mainstream audience that are probably still using Geforce 6600GT's and ATi X1600's and people on toms who care about pc gaming at this point are wanting things that push the envelop a bit and WoW just doesn't. And on top of 10 years of subscription it is true that 15 dollars gets you a lot further however its a lot harder to come across 15 dollars 2 and 2 go together. I don't think anyone would ever suggest the entire game going free but if you think within the 20 levels you are going to get hooked you are wrong. They should take that even away if anything to eliminate the discussion of opening the game up a bit more.

You guys do know that blizzard offers a starter edition right?

If you are not a fan of MMORPG's then don't play the best.

As I said levels 1-20 which is the starters pack yes.
WoW needs to bring something very new to get me to pay again.

The only expansion that really impressed was The Burning Crusade, with huge game upgrades and new mechanics. That was indeed a game changer.

The rest of the expansions got diminishing returns because they insisted on the same content delivery system.

It got boring for old players. Eventually all will move on, because change is good.

Enjoying GW2 atm.
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