Block or limit banwith of a user


Jun 7, 2017
Hi I was wondering if I could block or limit the use of a user's access to the internet. The user I am trying to limit is constantly on Skype and is hardwired into our modem/router(actiontec Q1000) the main consern is upstream moreso than downstream as i only have 5Mbps up. Another alternative option is to prioritize myself too
depending on your router, you can block traffic from skype ports completely or limit the bandwidth utilization by a user yes.

looking at a pamphlet (actiontec Q1000) all I could see was
It does states QoS Support to configure up and down stream traffic , customizable filtering policies per computer
so time to dig into the manual and/or call technical support and get it done :)
Mostly you are going to have to read the manual for your router. Completely blocking them is normally done in a firewall option but it varies a lot from router to router. Lucky you only want to do upload prioritization. Most routers can not do anything with download. This router has crappy QoS settings but you should be able to set all traffic to low priority and your IP to high priority. Unfortunately they don't actually tell what low,medium and high mean. Routers that let you set bandwidths to actual rates are much more effective.
depending on your router, you can block traffic from skype ports completely or limit the bandwidth utilization by a user yes.

looking at a pamphlet (actiontec Q1000) all I could see was
It does states QoS Support to configure up and down stream traffic , customizable filtering policies per computer
so time to dig into the manual and/or call technical support and get it done :)