Here are prime examples of why Piracy is rampant
Game Industry:
Square Enix: "We just released Chrono Trigger for the IPhones and Android Phones! Hurray Buy it NAO!"
Users: "Great! Take my monies! Whats new and what do we get?"
Square Enix: "We introduced a new UI into the game to make it touch compatable, we added DRM, made all existing content a DLC, and require it to check in. So long as you use it with a data plan or on wifi,, you will enjoy our 'new' game"
U: "... well what about about new playable content?"
SE: "There was no need to add more, it's awesome as is and no different than the Play Station version or Nintendo DS version."
U: "Do I at least get a demo to see if I even like the new interface?"
SE: "No"
U: "So.... let me get this straight. As a legitimate customer, I am slapped with a DRM, a questionable experience with a new UI, cannot use it offline, am required to download existing content...."
SE: "Yes, but it's Chrono Trigger!"
Ugh, it so disgusted me. I bought other SE titles that didn't require downloading content, and I broke their shitty DRM using DRM blocking programs. I bought it, why am I not allowed to use it when I travel on an airplane?
I found CT online, tried it, found the UI to be to crappy to be worth buying. I love Chrono Trigger on on my old SNES. If I do want to buy it and have a portable experience. I will need to buy a used Nintendo DS somewhere and a used copy of the game. But oh wait! Publishers are against the reselling of used games and etc as well.
Movie/TV Industry:
I want to watch Game of Thrones. I don't have cable TV because I don't need 700 channels of shit when there are only 2 channels I might be interested in for 2 hours a week. Since i have no cable TV, I can't subscribe to HBO. HBO makes GoT available online to HBO subscribers. Ok, here's my money, let me just subscribe to you online. What? You won't let me until I get cable TV? WHY?!!!! TAAKE MY FUCKING MONEY ND LET ME WATCH IT!
No? I need to wait until it comes out on DvD/BD? Then there is no damn point when everyone I know of is talking about the latest frigged episode and just letting me in on all the god damn spoilers. I know about the episode before I even watch it.
Your choice is either pirate it, pay out the nose for excessive services you won't use, or ditch all your friends and coworkers because you need earplugs and blindfolds so you never hear, or read about any spoilers.
The industries need to wake up. Take my money and give me what I want. DRM is not going to stop piracy so why are you punishing your customers? Social Media is rampant and it won't prevent me from hearing a spoiler as I turn a corner around work. So why won't you take my money and let me watch it at the same time everyone else? I don't want to pay comcast $100 a month on top of an HBO subscription to watch 4 hours of tv a month.