Question Blown capacitor?

The photo has a bit of a jiggle in it, but am I seeing a popped diode in the far side of the bridge, nearest to the input choke?

All the caps look good...or, at least non-swelled, and the secondary rectifiers appear to be intact. Hard to tell about the feedback optoisolator....looks dark to me, over there.

Hard to tell for my eyes, because of the double image, but it looks like the end of that left-hand diode is damaged?
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Are you assuming the white caulk is something that came out of a capacitor?
I didn't consider that misinterpretation....but, yeah, as JohnnyGuru is implying, the white blobs are nothing to worry about--totally normal. You'll see that in almost every device you chance to open-up.

Leave it alone.

...this a new TV?

Another possibility. If the TV works fine, and the smell is the only thing you are reacting to, put it back together and ignore it, unless you see puffs of smoke, or notice weird operation.

If, on the other hand, the TV is older, and you are having problems with it, take clearer photos (of the areas that I attempted to highlight with crops) and re-post them.