Blue Boxes Across Screen?


Sep 29, 2013
I recently cleaned my Gaming computer of dust. I took my time wiping down everything with a dry cloth. When i reassembled my computer, I get greeted by a bit of a graphics issue.

The DVI output is acting up. Sometimes the video goes through, and sometimes it doesn't.
But when the Video does go through, i see blue boxes that are in a criss-cross pattern all over the screen. Could this be a hardware failure?

The Card is an EVGA 650TI
Don't know. What did you use to clean the box? Liquids? Alcohol? or JUST the dry cloth. I'm afraid that you may have damaged something with just a dry cloth if you created a static charge and ran it across the connectors.

BUT don't take that as the final answer!! I would try disconnecting and blowing the connections clean with compressed air, all doing this when the power is disconnected and any capacitors are discharged. (Discharge as in unplug the computer and then press the power on button to discharge any remaining power.)


I used alcohol, but i used paper towels with the cloth to get into the little places.