I've been getting a bunch of bsod's with the error clock_watchdog_timeout while playing assassin's creed origins for like 10minutes, It happened probably 4-5 times now. One of the times my pc even bsod as soon as it opened from a bsod.
I have:
EVGA GTX 1080TI SC2 Gaming
I5-4690K 4.5Ghz 1.250V
Asus Maximus VII Hero
Corsair H80i
2x8GB DDR3 Ram
I apologize if the error is pretty obvious and simple, I'm just clueless when it comes to PC errors.
I have:
EVGA GTX 1080TI SC2 Gaming
I5-4690K 4.5Ghz 1.250V
Asus Maximus VII Hero
Corsair H80i
2x8GB DDR3 Ram
I apologize if the error is pretty obvious and simple, I'm just clueless when it comes to PC errors.