Bolstering Resume


Feb 9, 2012
Hello all I'm currently a Junior at a Midwestern University. Just recently joined this discussion board even though I have been lurking in the shadows for a few years. To cut to the chase I'm studying Management Information Systems which for those of you who don't know even though I assume you do is a mixture between tech and business. I was wondering what I should do to bolster my resume besides the normal internship and high grades. More specifically what certifications should I pursue? Also beyond that what should I do to ensure I'm the best I can possibly be in my craft? Sorry if this question has already been posted. If anyone could provide any insight for me it would be much appreciated.

Thank you all for your help,
Take part in many volunteering activities as well as writing and publishing good articles will help booster your resume. Just try to do something that is in line with your carrier, in that way you will be able to keep track of it and master so many aspect that may surface in case of any interview. hope it helps?
I prefer System Engineering since it uses more of computer work to engage into activities from all other departments like Management, construction, Biostats, etc.
I was in your same shoes awhile back I found that although I heard it again and agin I wouldn't listen until I found it true for myself. It is all about who you know. Not entirely but a big part of getting your resume noticed is to network yourself. I went to some networking events and some career building seminars and found them extremely helpful. Make sure that you find networking events that are specific to IT, for tips.
One other thing I just thought of would be to ask for letters of recommendations from professors, this is one of the things I look back and regret not doing. A letter from a well known professor can go a long way.