I just went through this in order to create an exact Acer System copy for the day the original drive fails or some malware wrecks the original MBR and corrupts OS (as it did last week and cost me 14 hours of grief.)
I used a WD drive of the same size as my Veriton Seagate (320 Gigs) and did an Acronis Clone procedure "As-Is". Per Acronis' instructions I placed the new receiving drive in the Drive 1 spot with same connections.
The scary part was when I removed the original system drive and rebooted- after the "Loading Windows" message, the Acer Bios went to a blinking DOS-like cursor and just sat there.
Going into the F-12 BIOS Advanced Settings there was another surprise, the WD 320 was not listed as a bootable choice. Optical Drive and my 1.5 TB data drive were the only choices.
The fix was to F-9 (reset ) the Acer BIOS, that immediately brought up the WD 320, selected it as 1st Boot Device, F-10 to save and exit, and we were golden.
When the machine would not initially boot to the WD clone, I thought there is some proprietary BIOS setting it had been keyed to in the original system disk so it HAD to be that serial number Seagate OR that Acronis had somehow failed in it's exact cloning.
I am typing this on the WD cloned drive, so I just wanted to post that there is hope that you can do this on an Acer and it can work. The hidden rescue partition is even there just like on the original.
The Acronis I used comes free with WD drives, I don't know if that means you can use it only on a WD drive or if having one in your system is sufficient, because I am leaving well enough alone.