[SOLVED] Bootable PC Diagnostics Software?

Circa 3000

Mar 23, 2009
Can anyone suggest a bootable PC diagnostics package that's up-to-date and supports larger drives, memory, etc.?

I've used UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD) and Hirem's Boot CD, but the tools in those bundles have become antiquated. None that I've tried will recognize my newest computer's memory (32 Gb) or hard disks, including an SSD RAID array and an 8 Tb SATA backup drive. Even Seagate's own Seatools fails to recognize their own 8 Tb Barracuda disk. It's frustrating.

I've searched for alternatives, but everything I'm finding runs on Windows. That's not ideal, because when my PC acts up, the first thing I want to eliminate from the equation is Windows. Once all the hardware checks out, then I can safely assume it's a software issue and proceed accordingly.

Free is preferred but I'd pay a modest fee for an application that checks all the boxes and has a reasonable upgrade path.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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