Bootable USB for windows 7


Mar 24, 2017
So I have to computers and I would like to make a windows 7 usb to transfer to one of the computers . However, the two computers are different products, will that change anything? I have been searching for tutorials but none of them helped. Also, one of the computers have windows 10 does that decrease my chances of making a windows 7 usb stick because the other one has windows 7, and I don't have a recovery tool for that one, in case something goes wrong i want to be prepared.

Do you have the product key for a currently activated W7 install?
If so, yo ucan download the ISO from here and create a bootable USB:

Not sure if it has a media creation tool aspect after you verify, but if not, you can use Rufus (or similar) to create a bootable USB:

If you upgraded W7 to W10, and more than 30 days have passed, you can't reinstall W7, only W10.
Easier to do, download the media creation tool here:
It'll create the USB for you. Skip any prompt for a license key when reinstalling, as it'll reactivate when you're online.