Booting issues and multiple downloaded windows programs

Aug 4, 2018
Hey everyone. I'm brand new to computers and got everything hooked up right. I installed windows 10, and after the "Getting ready"portion I got error code 0xc000000e so I installed windows again and this time it took me to the desktop. Turned off pc and left. When i turned it back on i got the error code again so i installed a 3rd time. Again worked and once restarting it did it again so I got in bios and realized I downloaded it on the hard drive instead of ssd. So i set the boot option 1 to the hard drive and now without a forced boot to hard drive everytime i turn it on it says please select a boot option and press enter or something along those lines. Does anyone have any solutions in a dumbed version for me being so new.... I appreciate any feedback or solutions.
A bunch of people are going to come here and give you long convoluted ways to "fix this".

Screw that, and start over.

Clean install on your SSD.
Power off.
Disconnect ALL drives except for the SSD
Install the OS on the SSD - How to do a CLEAN installation of Windows 10
Pay particular attention to Section II, Step 6 & 7.
This is where you DELETE any existing partitions that may exist on the SSD from you previous failed attempts.

Later, when the OS is up and actually running on the SSD, then you connect the HDD (power off, of course).
Open Disk Management, and DELETE all existing partitions on that drive.
Format, and give it a drive letter.
A bunch of people are going to come here and give you long convoluted ways to "fix this".

Screw that, and start over.

Clean install on your SSD.
Power off.
Disconnect ALL drives except for the SSD
Install the OS on the SSD - How to do a CLEAN installation of Windows 10
Pay particular attention to Section II, Step 6 & 7.
This is where you DELETE any existing partitions that may exist on the SSD from you previous failed attempts.

Later, when the OS is up and actually running on the SSD, then you connect the HDD (power off, of course).
Open Disk Management, and DELETE all existing partitions on that drive.
Format, and give it a drive letter.