Even if you buy an iPad... can these "games" really compare to what you get on PC or consoles (Xbox 360, PS3)? Like it's been said above, people throw birds at pigs with swipes of their fingers and call themselves gamers...
Tablets aren't a trend that will end soon, SADLY. As long as you can convince a consumer that something is important and cool, it will sell. Tablets will be useful when they'll be as cheap as paper, literally. Anyone played Mass Effect 2? Remember all those "datapads" everyone uses as a replacement for pen and paper? That can be useful. But as long as they cost as an average laptop and offer a functionality of a smartphone with a big screen (or often even less), lol, no.
Just read some newsfeed from Microsoft: silly Angry Birds now even on PC. See where that's going? Customers are being milked for their money spent on a useless game with no storyline, graphics or art in it. Just a way to kill some time. Now even on PC. =)
As far as I understand it, *real* PC market will shrink considerably soon, thanks to cloud computing and tablets. People don't care how to check their e-mail and Facebook, and that's fine with me. As long as there are gamers, there will be demand for hi-end PC hardware. "A niche market", as one of my pro-cloud-computing friends mockingly said. Fine - go toss your birds at pigs and buy overpriced useless devices. People who really need good hardware will still get it, and that's all we care for.