I am looking an equalizer for a series 1 901 setup. I understand not everyone likes these speakers but they were my grandparents so I'd like to have them working for sentimental reasons.
You can use the Bose without the EQ but they won't sound as they are supposed to.
If you can't find the Bose EQ for your series 901 then get any graphic equalizer and adjust the sound to your taste. Add bass from about 60hz down. Add high frequencies to taste. Boosting more than 3-6db isn't a great idea.
To use any EQ you will need a way to connect it. Most AVRs will not have a place for you to do that.
You can use the Bose without the EQ but they won't sound as they are supposed to.
From what I read, Bose mojo is EQ, they design their stuff with (heavy) EQ in mind.
Ya, to insert an EQ, u will have to run preamp-EQ-powerAmp, and because the 901 reflecting design, drivers facing walls, it needs a spiffier than normal amp to operate.