ok so I guess this is a GPU and CPU question. Well here we go, ok so first off lets go over a brief description of what bottle necking is..... Bottle necking is when your GPU is more capable then your CPU at doing "its job" and because of this your GPU can't preform to its full potential and vie versa with the CPU being more capable with the GPU. Now for some simple examples of obvious bottle necking, for instance if you had a Intel core to duo and a invida gtx 680 ftw edition your going to have bottle necking. another example would be say you have a Intel i7 3770k and a Intel integrated HD 4000.
However after a while the lien becomes very, VERY fine and it become very hard to determine whether or not there will be bottle necking before you own the card/processor and can test them yourself (one simple way to test them is to run what ever program you want to test (i.e. a game like bf3, starcraft2, crysis3, etc) and open up your task manager and go to the performance tab and in the left hand corner there will be a little indicator that is labeled CPU usage, if your running the game and it is telling you that the CPU usage is at 90-100% AND your getting lag while running the game you know your CPU is BOTTLE NECKING your GPU.
MY questions
1. How do you check when you GPU is bottle necking your CPU?/what programs are there for checking?
2. (more personal) how badly would 2 SLI'd GTX 680's bottle neck on a Intel i5-3570k 3.4ghz ?
3. what CPU would not have problems bottle necking 2 SLI'd GTX 680's?
4. how over kill is it to SLI two gtx 680s for gaming? on a scale of 1 - 10 one being intel HD 400 level ten being Watson
However after a while the lien becomes very, VERY fine and it become very hard to determine whether or not there will be bottle necking before you own the card/processor and can test them yourself (one simple way to test them is to run what ever program you want to test (i.e. a game like bf3, starcraft2, crysis3, etc) and open up your task manager and go to the performance tab and in the left hand corner there will be a little indicator that is labeled CPU usage, if your running the game and it is telling you that the CPU usage is at 90-100% AND your getting lag while running the game you know your CPU is BOTTLE NECKING your GPU.
MY questions
1. How do you check when you GPU is bottle necking your CPU?/what programs are there for checking?
2. (more personal) how badly would 2 SLI'd GTX 680's bottle neck on a Intel i5-3570k 3.4ghz ?
3. what CPU would not have problems bottle necking 2 SLI'd GTX 680's?
4. how over kill is it to SLI two gtx 680s for gaming? on a scale of 1 - 10 one being intel HD 400 level ten being Watson