Question Bought a new kit of ram, Same brand, Speed and size but cant post windows...


Sep 3, 2017
So recently i started playing a game called ”Rust” and noticed that 8 GB ram isn't going to be enough to have stutter free gameplay.
So i searched online that if you mix ram to try and use the same model of ram and brans and everything. I did just that and when i placed the ram in for first time everything booted up fine.
Some weeks later my pc just wouldn't boot and someone told me to try every ram by itself and trying to reset bios. Since then i have only been able to use my old ram kits and if i use one new ram kit it doesn't boot.

Here are the Ram kits:

New: Ver 3.21
Old: Ver 3.20
I would return the new RAM kit and sell the OLd kit and then get a 16 GB kit that is known to work with your exact MB model.
Check the MB support page and RAM Manufacturers site and check to make sure the 16 GB kit you choose is compatible with your exact MB model before you buy.