Dear Mr Cameron,
Please don`t use this porn thing as a vote puller come election time.
Saying look what we have done for you.
I suggest that you turn on the content filter to high with your BT broadband connection.
Then do a quick Google on what a Dns server is, and does.
And how you can obtain or change your current one to another that is not managed by BT.
And while your about it look up an online proxy server.
Proxy servers allow you to view websites with more freedom and privacy. Because you aren't technically connecting to the websites you're viewing, using a proxy server allows you to view sites that have been blocked by your job or government.
So for the love of god, just like every other time, don`t be fooled into thinking they have actually done something for you.
More than likely it will be used as a vote puller come election time as one of there great polices, paraded around as a great successes.
And shoved in your face by them.
it`s a Trojan horse as a vote puller.
And like most things actually does fudge all.
As parents of teens concerned, they could of informed them years ago with quality information on what Dns servers are and do, and proxy servers.
Clearly Mr Cameron does not have a clue either, so obviously you don`t.
Well you do now. So rather than taking it from him do some research.
That means if they had, You could of done all the things along time ago they will take credit for.
Like I said as a vote puller, So they are treating you as a Schmuck.
For there own ends and means.
In case any parent did not know most decent quality modem routers provided by an ISP Should have web page filtering
And content search filtering built in. Did you know that ?
Hardware based at your end, yes the option was most likely there for you to use.
Were you informed about it via your ISP ?.
I suggest you have a look if your modem router does support this feature.
What would you say if the ISP said yes it does.
Your first question would be why didn`t you tell me or inform me of this ?
Some people seem to think the recent news is a good idea, thing is it`s not new.
It`s the fact you never knew how you could stop your little darlings seeing content you never wished them to or accessing website you did not want them to.
And were never told how.
The State does not need to use the policy it has supposedly provided because it was there in the first place.
Long before Mr Cameron barked about it parents.
You know how Mp`s and government hide things sweep them under the carpet to make them self look good.
It`s usually through a lack of information. Or a lack of your knowledge of it.
Apparently this time they have no Knowledge of it? Read the line above again. 😉
But the average 14 year old does by using Google.
What is it then, Well a false sense of security.
But a Good thing to use as a vote puller no doubt come election time.
Educate yourself Parents ect.
You will be shocked to find out this thing with BT and the government can be by passed by your teen in about all of five minuets flat. All through simply Google.
Still feel safe or its a good idea and policy by the government.
Hang on it does not actually work, does it ?
The curtain has been lifted, the smoke screen gone.
This is for another purpose.
And before any parent pipes up, just remember if your reading this you have been told a heck of a lot more information than the government has provided.
To protect your children from content you wish not to subject them to through the internet. be it web page blocking and key word search blocking.
You most likely had the ability to self govern it long before Mr Cameron, and his new policy.
So it`s empty isn`t it. If you also apply it can be navigated around.
By simple means of a Google search that no doubt isn`t blocked by the filter to start with, to navigate around the filter. Oh darn there`s the flaw straight away !
Well go fish.
But anyone who reads this and understands this, will get the madness.