Broadcast IM



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?)

Is it possable to broadcast an Instant Message to multiple contacts at the
same time?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?)

There used to be 2 applications that would allow you to do this, but the
company that made it has since removed the product from the market. Chances
are that it was being used for illegal spamming. Either that or another
company acquired the rights.

The only other thing that you can do is "Invite someone to this
conversation". You can invite, I think, up to 32 people. Once they have
been added you can broadcast the message. The only downside is that they
are then in a conversation. Thus, it is not a true "broadcast".

Granted, you may be able to find a broadcast application, similar to those
@--hats who have invented/used SPIM (spam over Instant Message), but I am
not going to mention those here. Driving business to those companies or
even mentioning their name so their links go up in the search engines is
against personal belief. Sorry...


"cblack" <> wrote in message
> Is it possable to broadcast an Instant Message to multiple contacts at the
> same time?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?)

I can respect that, thank you for your input.

"Bob Christian" wrote:

> There used to be 2 applications that would allow you to do this, but the
> company that made it has since removed the product from the market. Chances
> are that it was being used for illegal spamming. Either that or another
> company acquired the rights.
> The only other thing that you can do is "Invite someone to this
> conversation". You can invite, I think, up to 32 people. Once they have
> been added you can broadcast the message. The only downside is that they
> are then in a conversation. Thus, it is not a true "broadcast".
> Granted, you may be able to find a broadcast application, similar to those
> @--hats who have invented/used SPIM (spam over Instant Message), but I am
> not going to mention those here. Driving business to those companies or
> even mentioning their name so their links go up in the search engines is
> against personal belief. Sorry...
> Bob
> "cblack" <> wrote in message
> > Is it possable to broadcast an Instant Message to multiple contacts at the
> > same time?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?)

Thanks for understanding.
"cblack" <> wrote in message
> I can respect that, thank you for your input.
> "Bob Christian" wrote:
> > There used to be 2 applications that would allow you to do this, but the
> > company that made it has since removed the product from the market.
> > are that it was being used for illegal spamming. Either that or another
> > company acquired the rights.
> >
> > The only other thing that you can do is "Invite someone to this
> > conversation". You can invite, I think, up to 32 people. Once they
> > been added you can broadcast the message. The only downside is that
> > are then in a conversation. Thus, it is not a true "broadcast".
> >
> > Granted, you may be able to find a broadcast application, similar to
> > @--hats who have invented/used SPIM (spam over Instant Message), but I
> > not going to mention those here. Driving business to those companies or
> > even mentioning their name so their links go up in the search engines is
> > against personal belief. Sorry...
> >
> > Bob
> >
> > "cblack" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Is it possable to broadcast an Instant Message to multiple contacts at
> > > same time?
> >
> >
> >
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?)

Just to pick up on this thread - I was using a third party internal IM
solution that allowed me to broadcast messages to any groups we created. I
used it to notify users of network issues etc. If we move to Messenger, I
can't do this anymore? Are there other ways to send messages to groups/all
users at once?