Had a port forwarded. Bought a new network card. Port is no longer open.
Obviously the new network card didn't have the static IP set up, so my machine has a new IP. Fair enough. Changed the IP address associated with the port forward rule in the router, and set up a DHCP reservation so the IP would stick. Have confirmed my PC shows up at the router with the same IP that's associated with the port forwarding rule.
Port's still closed. I'm at a loss here. All my firewall rules are still in place, it's still referring to the same port, but it's not working anymore.
Obviously the new network card didn't have the static IP set up, so my machine has a new IP. Fair enough. Changed the IP address associated with the port forward rule in the router, and set up a DHCP reservation so the IP would stick. Have confirmed my PC shows up at the router with the same IP that's associated with the port forwarding rule.
Port's still closed. I'm at a loss here. All my firewall rules are still in place, it's still referring to the same port, but it's not working anymore.