viveknayyar007 :
Can you please confirm what commands and apps did you try to fix the issue?
I was wondering if you already tried changing the language back to English, and then trying to switch back to Japanese?
Just in case,
here's a link for your reference.
Also, if possible, can you please try removing Chrome from your computer and then try re-installing it?
Hey, thank you for replying
Ok so I did as the link said, but all it did is change the font and language settings on that page and any links it shows, so if I open a new tab then everything turns back to English. Even if I search for a Japanese result by typing some words in, the ugly font still exits and is not overwritten by the link's language setting change.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome, but nothing changed.
The font also exists on Edge, not only Chrome. I also installed Firefox to see what happens, and the same ugly font is there as well.
I've been using an extension on Chroma called "Google Input Tools", and even in the pre-enter box, the font is the ugly one.
Here's what I tried so far (iirc):
■ Going into Region & language and installing and deleting and reinstalling the Japanese pack, and editing its position, in Windows Settings. I also went into the Microsoft IME within that pack and went into Conversation in the Advanced Settings for Microsoft IME to turn Use fixed font for candidate list items off, just in case it did anything (it didn't).
■ I also followed the instructions given here: What it did was change my English font (to slightly less quality) but did not change the browser fonts. I followed their instructions again to reverse this.
■ I tried going into Settings in Chrome, then Customize fonts and change the fonts there but nothing changed.
I also installed the Advanced Font Settings extension and changed the font there, on Default Script, and on the Japanese one with zero change again.
■ That, and some more time typing in different combinations of the same question only for the results to not be relevant. I've had this error before so I figured someone must talk about it, but doesn't seem like it, it seems.
I probably missed something 'cause it's 5 am lol
I use to test my font, and this is the font I'm seeing everywhere (the ugly font):
I would show you how it looked before, but that's exactly the issue I'm trying to solve now
I've been on Google for about an hour when I glance at a Youtube video and see that the font is different. It turns out, the font has changed for everything
but after I left the PC off for a few hours; that's to say, every single website, as far as I'm aware, has a new font (which is different from the default before installing the Japanese language pack, but looks better than both of them)., as well as Google's tab names, have the ugly font, everything else has a new (nice) font. (Edge's font is still the ugly font.) I'm going to change fonts to different ones on everything I can find to see what actually changed the font.
Another update:
I went into
Settings on Google Chrome, went to
Customize fonts,
Advanced font settings. I set the
Default Script to
(Use default) on everything, and then switched to the
Japanese Script.
I set
Standard to "UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B",
Serif to "SimSun",
Sans-Serif to "Sazanami Mincho, and
Fixed to "Microsoft YaHei". I restarted my PC, but there was an update to windows. After login in on again, the previous nice font was gone and every Japanese character is back to being that ugly font. So, it seems like
Advanced font settings won't solve the issue, nor was it the thing that changed the font to the nice font.
I deleted the Japanese language pack from windows and restarted, but the fonts stayed ugly. I then reinstalled Chrome, but the fonts are still ugly.
This is what the
Advanced font settings says: "Chrome will use the font settings controlled by this extension when BOTH of the following are true:
1) The web page has declared the language of the content (e.g., by using the HTML lang attribute); and
2) The web page has not specified a font to use."
Which probably means that the ugly font is stored somewhere, and so could probably be changed.