BSOD 0x00000116 and artifacts now but only in some apps !


Apr 3, 2015
I have read lot of similiar threads, but none of them are exactly as mine.

I have Gigabyte Geforce GTX 460, and 5 days ago i had BSOD, while playing Hearthstone (low requirements), only one:

After that, since 5 days when I play some high requirements game, I have artifacts, after 10-15 minutes. It occurs also when watching movies for hour or so, never when just browsing web. They stay even after i close application that made them, until i hit ctrl+alt+delete, then they disappear !

one of them

They don't appear on Youtube since I turned off hardware acceleration in chrome. I have much more time until they appear when i change resolution to 1280x800.
I made tests in Video Memory stress Test v1.7.
They made me
[2015-04-01 01:44:04] Test started for "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460"...
Trying 16bpp RGB:565 mode...OK
TEST FAIL (Code: 887601C2)
Trying 16bpp RGB:555 mode...OK
Trying 16bpp BGR:565 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
Trying 32bpp RGB:888 mode...OK
Trying 32bpp BGR:888 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
[2015-04-01 01:52:47] Pass completed (0 errors found).


[2015-04-01 01:31:46] Test started for "GeForce GTX 460"...
Preparing CUDA...Module load error: 300
Can you explain me results?

Do you have any ideas what can it be? I NEVER had high GPU temps, they are about 45-50 in stress!
What is weird is that i can avoid them, even play some games with low requirements, and they often dont appear at all.
When artifacts appear i have "display driver stopped responding and has recovered" notification.

I tried:

  • -disconnecting and clearing GPU (there ware tons of dust)
    -cleaning graphic drivers with driver sweeper and installing a fre older (310, 280) versions.
    -reseting bios with battery disconnection

I'm thinking about trying to install 2nd OS. I can't afford new graphic card soon. Can it be something drivers related or PowerSupplier, or it's for sure Graphic Card and i need to start looking for new one? I have OCZ StealthXStream2 500W.

Thank you in advance!
the bugcheck indicates that the nvidia driver failed to respond, the suberror code was 0 which is not helpful.

hard to say the cause other than the graphics driver thinks that the buffer was refreshed and it was not.
I would stop any overclocking in the GPU and CPU, I would go into BIOS and update the BIOS or reset it to defaults to force a rebuild of the database all the hardware assignments the BIOS hands off to windows.

dust is conductive and can short circuit the pins on circuits soldered to the graphics board.
I have "fixed" some boards by using compressed air to blow the dust out. You can also get artifacts because of damage to the circuits, very small cracks or solder that lifts up from the solder pad, causing bad connections that make and break the connection.

you can get artifacts because of bad cable connections.
you can get artifacts because of driver problems,
you can get artifacts because of hardware conflicts.

nvidia geforce gtx 460
GPU core 51 MHz
GPU memory 135 MHz
GPU shader 101 MHz

these values look very very low to me, Maybe a new driver is doing some type of low power setting during idle and setting these values too low for your card.
i would disable any low power settings to the card (sleep) or maybe use a program and set new minimum speeds that are like 80% of the stock speeds. (but I really have not looked at the settings for GPUs in years so it is just a guess)