Bsod after every reboot


Apr 8, 2017
Sometimes when i reboot
My pc it starts up fine but most of the time i get the bsod, this happened after i overclocked my ram , i have 2x8gb ddr4 corsair vengeance stick which go up to 2666mh, in the bios it said it was running on 2130mhz and i changed it to 2666mhz since i wanted the use the full speed of the ram , would appreciate the help
Buy RAM on that list to run at those speeds or wait till a new bios update comes out with better memory compatibility. Or do nothing. There are no good answers. Hence, this is the issue with Ryzen.

What are the specs of your system? If you are gaming at 1080p/60hz then the high speed RAM wont be as impactful. But if you have a high end system and are gaming above 90fps, you will see a bigger impact. I would even say that 2666 is too slow. I would look for RAM that is 3000mhz or higher. But RAM is expensive right now. So if you are not on a highend system, I would just stick with what you have.
Look at your RAM and see if the model number matches on of these. If it does not, then it is not on the QVL list for your motherboard, so you cant guarantee that it will work. Ryzen are really good CPUs, but memory support is lousy.

DDR4 2666 8GB Corsair CMD32GX4M4A2666C15 ver4.23
DDR4 2666 8GB Corsair CMK32GX4M4A2666C16
DDR4 2666 8GB Corsair CMK32GX4M4A2666C16 ver 5.30
DDR4 2666 4GB Corsair CMK16GX4M4A2666C16
DDR4 2666 4GB Corsair CMD16GX4M4A2666C15

Your RAM is not on the Quality Vendor List. This is the problem with Ryzen. They are great CPUs, but there are real memory issues. Compatibility and memory speed are big problems. A lot of it was cleared up since it released, but not all of it. Unfortunately, Ryzen really scales well with high speed RAM, so you want it to run fast.
Buy RAM on that list to run at those speeds or wait till a new bios update comes out with better memory compatibility. Or do nothing. There are no good answers. Hence, this is the issue with Ryzen.

What are the specs of your system? If you are gaming at 1080p/60hz then the high speed RAM wont be as impactful. But if you have a high end system and are gaming above 90fps, you will see a bigger impact. I would even say that 2666 is too slow. I would look for RAM that is 3000mhz or higher. But RAM is expensive right now. So if you are not on a highend system, I would just stick with what you have.