BSOD, Blue screen so much


Aug 15, 2017

hp z200
intel xeon x3440
hdd 2x250gb

im getting these bluescreens
memory managment
pfn list corrupt
kernel security

i play DOTA2 game it crashes now bcz of that

so many told me tht its ram issue so i bought new one still this appears

please help me i dont know what to do i tried everything
it happens after my pc was not booting up i tried to take rams 1 by 1 pc works fine with the last one and i bought new then did new windows now these bluescreen after 20 min of gameplay game crashes like you open the game it crash after 5 sec again n again i tried using win10 same happen i tried only using new rams still pc hangs idk what to do
Run MEMTEST86 from a boot usb to verify your RAM is OK first, if that comes back OK then come back to us. Min specs are low. How did you get 6MB of RAM in your system ? 3 x 2GB ? Have you tried running off 4GB using 2 slots ?

Also, check the user manual to ensure you have the RAM in the correct slots on the Motherboard.

Please provide PSU details also.
Check the motherboard manual to see which slots the RAM should be in. Did you get the RAM together ? Typically it will perform better in dual channel with just 2 sticks of RAM in the correct configuration. Run MEMTEST86 on a boot usb to check the RAM is OK then remove 1 of the RAM cards, ensure they are configured in the correct DIMM slots and test your games again.

If MEMTEST86 comes back with any errors then the RAM is your problem.
Question from adnanahsan86 : "Memory managment bsod"

note: your cpu came out in Q3'09 and was discontinued in 2012
this is likely a old machine, i would start with running crystaldiskinfo.exe and checking the condition of the hard drive. windows 7 does not do low level repairs on drives. you have use a utility or do full formats (not quick formats) to get bad sectors marked as bad. (windows 8 and above checks for sectors going bad while the system is idle)

also, blow out dust from the fans and machine (dust is highly conductive)
machines that old often have capacitors that swell up and leak, so do a visual inspection of the motherboard looking for issues)

most likely if you are getting PFN LIST CORRUPT bugcheck you would update the bios and the motherboard drivers from the motherboard vendors website. then go into control panel, set the turn off the systems virtual memory, reboot and delete the hidden c:\pagefile.sys then turn on the systems virtual memory to create a new one.
then you run a Malwarebytes scan.
then download and run crystaldiskinfo.exe to see if your drive is having errors.

if you continue to get bugchecks you would provide the actual memory dump from c:\windows\minidump directory. Ie copy the files to a cloud server like Microsoft onedrive, share the files for public access and post a link. these files can be looked at with a windows debugger.
crystal program shows this