BSOD every time, now wont post anymore


Feb 23, 2017
I took out the CMOS on the motherboard then waited about an hour and put it back in, then put in one ram stick and my PC booted but gave a BSOD when I tried to install windows. The error was "Page fault in non-paged area".

I looked at my BIOS and it said only one ram stick was in but there was two, so I took out both of them and put the one that was working in the other DIMM slot then signal just stopped going to my display. I tried putting it back where it was working before but it still doesn't work.
after removing a cmos battery you need to go into BIOS and make any setting change and change it back. It will force the BIOS to rescan its hardware and make hardware settings. these setting will be passed on to windows in the form of a small database that windows plug and play will use so it knows what hardware resources have all ready been assigned and which ones it can use.
after removing a cmos battery you need to go into BIOS and make any setting change and change it back. It will force the BIOS to rescan its hardware and make hardware settings. these setting will be passed on to windows in the form of a small database that windows plug and play will use so it knows what hardware resources have all ready been assigned and which ones it can use.