BsOD, nd few other problems


Dec 23, 2013
First I wanna mention that I bought a new computer 2 months ago. And that I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong category.

First, my main problem started few days ago, I turn on my computer, and when desktop appears blue screen of death happens and it restarts my computer leading me into choosing to start my windows normally or in safe mode. When I pick normal, it starts without problem. Sometimes (rarely) it all goes well the first time I try to turn my computer on. What can be the issue?

Second problem, that as far as I noticed happens only when I browse internet (using firefox), computer freezes for 20/30 seconds, I can move mouse and click on stuff but its like nothing is responding and on my Core Temp app I can see that during that period most of the CPU cores "work" at 0% load, and the one core that is working is like under 3%. I can also hear that my CPU goes silent during that time period, and then, when those 20 seconds pass it starts up and everything works fine.

Third problem, (if it even is a problem) playing games like bf3, skyrim, assassins creed, dota2 gets my CPU heat at 57C max, isn't that little too hot and can it cause problems? Temps while I type this stuff here nd do other stuff are around 40C.
Running all on stock settings, with stock cooler. (I know that stocks are bad on fx 6300 lol)

Motherboard - Gigabyte 970A-DS3P
CPU - AMD FX 6300
GPU - Nvidia GTX 650 Ti Boost edition
RAM - DDR3 4GB 1600MHz Kingston
HDD - SATA3 7200 500GB Toshiba
PSU - 600W Raidmax RX-600 AF

Regarding your BSOD, I would use system restore to revert your system settings back to before this issue occurred. I think this is unlikely to be a hardware issue if the machine boots on second attempt. That said your second issue with Firefox could potentially be related to a failing HDD. Does this behaviour occur with Chrome or IE? Perhaps try a chkdsk.

Your CPU temp is not overly concerning given you are using a stock cooler and have an AMD chip.

Okay, then I ll probably do the system restore. I actually never tried using anything else beside Firefox, I will try Chrome once I get home, hopefully it will work better.
Yeah, I read a lot of threads here regarding that heating stuff with AMD chip, so I kinda knew it probably won't do any harm, but since I already asked about BSoD I threw that question in as well.. :)
Oh, and thank you for helping. :)
Just to report back again, I did as you suggested, system restore worked fine. After I restored, I installed Core Temp app again, and then BSoD came back at start ups.. Now I deleted it, and everything is fine. I read on few other forums, and ppl had the same problem with Core Temp.. I just still can't believe that something like that almost drove me crazy.. :)