BSOD: ntoskrnl.exe ntkrnlmp.exe

new bugcheck was also in networking code and was caused from a driver releasing the same memory block twice.
looks like it is a bug in BullGuardFilte (looks like a spam filter)

I was not able to read the bios info in the memory dump. if this is a very old machine it may not have the proper bios fixes for the USB ports.

the specifications for the usb 2.x ports were updated in 2012 and usb3.x was updated in 2013.
if your bios is older tham those dates it may not work correctly with updated usb devices.

-it also looks like you have parts of 3 different virus scanners installed, sometimes they mess with each other or cause timing delays that cause problems.

-you have a overclock driver installed RivaTuner/EVGA Precision/MSI...
the bugcheck was in windows networking code. most likely it will be one of your network drivers making a programming error.
I would suspect \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\e2xw8x64.sys Tue Jan 26 15:57:45 2016
e2xw8x64.sys : Killer Networks Ethernet Card. Driver

I could not read your bios info in the memory dump, this often indicates a very outdated bios version installed on the machine.
you might consider going to your motherboard vendors website and updating the bios and motherboard drivers.

(note: you can get the killer network driver from the motherboard vendor or from killer networks, often the updated virus scanners expose bugs in network drivers and cause the network driver to crash. people blame the virus scanner but the network driver is the root cause)

I updated killer network and my bios, it still happened, should I completely remove the killer network drivers?

here is the new Minidump:

new bugcheck was also in networking code and was caused from a driver releasing the same memory block twice.
looks like it is a bug in BullGuardFilte (looks like a spam filter)

I was not able to read the bios info in the memory dump. if this is a very old machine it may not have the proper bios fixes for the USB ports.

the specifications for the usb 2.x ports were updated in 2012 and usb3.x was updated in 2013.
if your bios is older tham those dates it may not work correctly with updated usb devices.

-it also looks like you have parts of 3 different virus scanners installed, sometimes they mess with each other or cause timing delays that cause problems.

-you have a overclock driver installed RivaTuner/EVGA Precision/MSI Afterburner (known BSOD issues w/Win7)
RTCore64.sys you should remove it to make sure you don't have it tweaking clock rates and causing timing problems.


Bios is from feb 2018, I'll follow your recommendations and remove MSI Afterburner, and I'll disable the BullGuard spam filter and see if that helps.