May 4, 2024
Hi, I need some help with my PC, it's a custom PC, which I built, I have had no problems before until recently, I have been getting BSOD. It only occurs at the moment on startup and it's not a typical BSOD, it's blurry with 4 BSOD at the top half and nothing at the bottom half of the screen. When it first happened though it had coloured lines on the bottom half going down but that has only happened the once when it first occurred. To rectify the problem I have to force shutdown and power back on again and it's completely fine and it runs completely fine, when it's on it never has BSOD whilst on the pc so I can't get a minidump file. Also it only happens when the pc is off for awhile not if I shutdown and turn back on. I'm not sure if it's something to with my graphics card, it's just a guess but it's strange, because it's not even a year old and basically newish.
My system is as follows:
TuF gaming X570 plus - 4 Years old
16gb T force RAM run a diagnostic test and RAM seems fine.
Deep cool liquid cooler LT720 - 8 months old
Corsair 850w Power supply gold+ - 4 years old
Ryzen 7 5800x - 8 months old
XFX AMD RX 6800 16gb SWFT 319 - 8 months old
Many thanks.


Mar 24, 2023
Problem occurring at startup might be PSU (that's when a surge of power is needed). Might try to borrow a PSU for troubleshooting and also borrow or acquire an inexpensive GPU to eliminate it as a possibility.
May 4, 2024
Problem occurring at startup might be PSU (that's when a surge of power is needed). Might try to borrow a PSU for troubleshooting and also borrow or acquire an inexpensive GPU to eliminate it as a possibility.
Thanks for your reply, basically I did some troubleshooting with chatgpt last night, trying to figure out the problem, Chatgpt is amazing not going to lie & helped me quite a bit. I did the SVS scan which did fix some errors and i have managed to change the directory in the regedit for the minidump file, but I just had another BSOD today. This time though it has successfully saved the minidump file thanks to chatgpt. I did ask chatgpt what the problem could be, but would rather ask you guys to help me further. chatgpt recons its to do with Audio drivers but just want make sure. Also is there anything else i'm missing? Now i have opened the file with WinDbg and run the command to see what is wrong, but whats the best way to upload the file on here? i have currently saved the Bug analysis and all relevant information in notepad.
kind regards
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