BSOD (page fault nonpaged / sys serv exception) on idle/reboot


May 5, 2009
Hi all,

I've got a fresh new system that has crashed a couple times while idle. I was hoping they were just a fluke, but this seems like a definite problem.

I woke up this morning to notice the cpu fan was running at full speed, upon turning on the monitor I had a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen Error.

After rebooting the computer I googled the page fault error. I read on other forums that updating all drivers, then running a chkdsk, then running a memtest are recommended. Drivers are up to date in device manager., and I can't do a memtest until tonight.

I just ran chkdsk, after windows 7 finishing the chkdsk the video got all scrambly looking (right after the login screen) and a BSOD occured, this time a SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.

After rebooting the computer again, the system seems to be running fine with no problems. I suspect the system might have a bad mobo,cpu, or ram but I don't know how to rule one or the other out since it seems so damn hard to duplicate these errors 🙁

As said the computer is working fine again and I can't duplicate the errors, thus it makes it hard to troubleshoot it. I really would like to figure it out however, as I want to replace parts within the 30 day return policy at Micro Center.

System Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, Asus M5A78L-M LX Mobo, AMD Phenom 2 X4 945, 4gig dual channel 1333 ddr3, samsung 64gig SSD, 430 Watt PSU

Click here to read the full dump from DxDiag.exe

MiniDump 1:
Dump File : 072011-8486-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/20/2011 10:01:33 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x00000050
Parameter 1 : fffff8a0`1211dfae
Parameter 2 : 00000000`00000001
Parameter 3 : fffff880`0196b322
Parameter 4 : 00000000`00000002
Caused By Driver : fltmgr.sys
Caused By Address : fltmgr.sys+11ae9
File Description :
Product Name :
Company :
File Version :
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+70700
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\072011-8486-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 7600
Dump File Size : 275,088
MiniDump 2
Dump File : 072011-8190-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/20/2011 10:27:16 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000003b
Parameter 1 : 00000000`c0000005
Parameter 2 : fffff800`02a83080
Parameter 3 : fffff880`0b7d60d0
Parameter 4 : 00000000`00000000
Caused By Driver : ntoskrnl.exe
Caused By Address : ntoskrnl.exe+70700
File Description : NT Kernel & System
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Company : Microsoft Corporation
File Version : 6.1.7600.16792 (win7_gdr.110408-1633)
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+70700
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\072011-8190-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 7600
Dump File Size : 275,088
Just left for a bit, on return I had another BSOD: Same as MiniDump 2, another System_service_exception. I have disabled all DRAM features to see if this will help.. Any suggestions would be more than appreciated.
Please can you give details about your system with exact model numbers for motherboard, RAM ?

Might possible your RAM timings and voltages are not correct (you might have to set them manually) OR the problem is with your motherboard.

I had the same problem like it crashes once in a day while idling and then never crashed with-in same day even playing Crysis sort of game for some hours.

Finally I found that my motherboard has issues and I sent it for refund. My mobo was also from Asus M4A89GTD Pro

I'll post specifics as soon as I can look at the receipt. Not feeling like opening the box and looking at everything xD.

I thought 3B stop code was referring to video card? Also, the scrambly video upon the error indicates a video issue. I've used driver detecive and it says that the 760G chipset is not up to date. However, when I go to AMD and download catalyst drivers it everything is up to date 🙁 So I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if Driver Detective just plain sucks.

I also found my realtek driver not up to date using DD, and updated that manually with no problems.

I also disabled every feature (there was like 8 or 9 lol) for the DRAM in BIOS in hopes of seeing that will fix the problem. So far no issues, but again, this has been an intermittent problem anyway.

Voltage issue? I would think if its voltage it would cause computer to shut off or reboot istelf instead of BSOD. Every voltage issue I've encountered in the past always resulted in power off/reboot/hard freeze instead of BSOD.

I personally suspect the ram(pagefault error seems like ram?), video chipset on mobo, or mobo to be honest. But I'm no expert! So thank you for your posts and help :3

EDIT: Thanks for your reply! I am thinking more and more it is the mobo. I've decided to do a memtest tonight and see if anything comes up, if it is a clean bill of health I'll look into replacing mobo. did you replace cpu as well?

EDIT 2: Mobo is M5A78L-M LX, Ram I think is Corsair. I know it is 1333 MHZ Dual Channel DDR 3.
No I replaced my motherboard only. By saying voltage I mean the RAM voltage exactly (this can effect like what you are facing now).

What is your RAM timings ? and Voltage ? in BIOS and according to RAM specs ?

Memtest is good to run, if you found issues with RAM then try memtest with single RAM.

For my issues you can have a look at this forum post ( where I did lot of testing and got responses and suggestions to find-out exact problem.



I think this is what you're talking about right?

Not sure how to read this, does it look ok?

EDIT: Oh, I think I need to find out what the CAS latency is supposed to be for my specific ram, right? I'll do so when I get a chance.

EDIT2: According to wikipedia ( it looks like I should have a 7-8-9-10 as posted if I match up with the 3rd row on the table. I'm not sure how to verify that I match that third row but I am thinking the ram might be ok..

EDIT3: I think the tRAS and tRC are extremely high unless I'm completely reading this wrong.

Use CPUID HWMonitor utility to check the CPU temperatures. It should not got beyond 60C under full load (you can test it with Prime95 utility).

From CPU-Z first image your timings is similar to the JEDEC # 5; only you have to adjust a bit of timings tRAS and tRC according to JEDEC # 5 and also set Command Rate to 2T.

Also just verify from BIOS that the RAM voltage is 1.5V (which is I think already the case).

I think that overheating causes a shut down/reboot, not BSOD and even a warning sound from the PC speaker. I highly doubt its overheating. Also the problems happening during idling, and I never tax the cpu (this is an office computer)

The CPU temps are currently at 40C..

I was wondering if you had any answers on the memory timings that I posted.

I plan on doing a memtest as soon as I get off work.

The JEDEC is the RAM spec and I think you can safely use any one of them from table reported by CPU-Z. But its better to use your standard one.

In BIOS there should be a DRAM config option which you have to select MANUAL and then set the timings. You can verify those from CPU-Z memory tab OR from going into BIOS again and look at current values there.

Although due to my recent experience I think your RAM is OK and your motherboard has some fault.

Well, it's been 7 days since I disabled all DRAM features in BIOS and I have yet to see any problems. I also used windows memory diagnostic and set it to unlimited cycles and did the long extensive version of testing over the weekend with no errors. I wonder, if I set the DRAM features to "on" could it activate something in the RAM that would cause errors during a test? I presume no, because the DRAM features probably configure how the motherboard handles things instead of activating parts of the ram... I do think the problem is the mobo now, unless I'm missing anything else? IF there's anything else I should test please let me know as well.


Its good that you are not getting any crash :) Can you tell me what RAM features you are referring to ? RAM timings and voltages ? You set them to AUTO ?

Can you post screen-shots of CPU-Z's MEMORY and SPD tabs ?

I just want to see what are current RAM parameters and what are supported RAM options.

Darnit the screen-shots of CPU-Z are broken links now! However, when you saw them before you didn't say anything about them being bad. I can still get them up though here soon.

The DRAM features had "Manual" "Auto" and "Disabled" . When I was having problems, they were at their DEFAULT setting which was "Auto". In a haste to just see if I could get it functioning properly again I "Disabled" all 9(ish) of them. I'll take a screen shot when I get a chance. I'm sure I didn't have to disable them all, but after doing so the crashes stopped and I haven't seen any performance issues. Mind you, I just use this computer for office applications.

I'll post a Screenshot of the tab in the CMOS and also the RAM screenshots in CPU-Z as well
Hi, I haven't saw any screen-shots from you yet .... It will be good if you can post them.

Edit: Ahh I recall now that I saw them but they are not there now. Can you post them again and also BIOS settings pictures ?