bsod when i lauch my steam games my computer has the bsod


Feb 17, 2015
i've been trying to play my steam games and half way through playing i get a bsod. i have msi afterburner and my gpu has major spikes to 99% please help!!!!!!!

Are you correct in writing that you have the 7200 series graphics? The 7200 series is an older series that probably doesn't meet the requirements of the game(s) you are trying to run. You may get some of the them to run but you are really pushing well past the capabilities of that video series. Using the MSI afterburner utility to OC your graphics may be the reason why you may have been able to even partially run the game(s). You would be better off looking for a more powerful graphic cards compared to the R 7200 series.

ill look into it i just dont know why my computer was running great for 2 or 3 months and now just stops.
You may be victim to one of the infamous AMD CCC updates that have made systems unstable or even inoperable. If that is the case then you could try rolling back the driver but there is no guarantee that your card will meet the minimum specs of the games you are trying to run. You may have little choice other than upgrading your card if the games are more than your system can handle.

If you go that route make sure to read the reviews and ensure that your PSU can handle the power requirements of any new card and also ensure that the card will fit into your case. Newer games are going to require even more of your graphics system so sooner or later you may have little choice if you want to play the games.