BSOD windows 7

Jamie Currie

Sep 13, 2013
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000008e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 9BD1BD01
BCP3: B5F7CB98
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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anything to worry about or ?

To help you, we need some info about your...

To help you, we need some info about your computer. It would be most helpful to me if you just copy and pasted these questions and put an answer next to them.

What edition of Windows 7 are you using? (for example, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate and I think that's all of them.)
Is your copy of Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit?
What Service Pack do you have?
The above two questions' answers can usually be found in Control Panel>System and Security> System.
Do you have any viruses or antivirus software? Have you had a virus before?
Do you have a lot of annyoing popups?
Have you installed any malicious software?
Have you had a blue screen before? If yes, what did it say?
When did you get this computer?
What is the manufacturer of your computer?
What model is it?
Are any components of your computer damaged?
Are your motherboard, CPU, GPU, all that good stuff working properly?
Do you have the latest Windows updates installed?
Do you get blue screens frequently? If yes, how often?

Just holding down the power button until your screen and laptop turn off should restart it- but then you'll see a screen that says something like "Windows did not shut down properly." Just select Start Windows Normally and press enter- and that should do it. But, if you get blue screens fruequently (which I put as a question above), get your computer checked out. If something else happens like your computer won't turn on or if you get a boot error or something, get your computer checked out.