BtHub connection troubles with port forwarding and static ip addresses


Apr 14, 2015
Basically i am with BT in the UK and have a BTHomeHub 3 and port forwarding is a nightmare. Settings up i static IP is easy and hard. I know how to but when i use my PC and launch CMD and do ipconfig/all i get the IP, DNS server etc but in the bthub manager it has a completely different set of information as well as that i can't port forward because it keeps saying that my port is conflicting with another port even though there's no other ports active, also people say to disable UPNP but i have and restarted my router. I live in a family home so i can't restart the router because of that and other reasons.


The game or application you’ve selected conflicts with an application () you’ve already assigned to another device.

Please remove the other application or select the same device.

The "with an application () you’ve already" part the () are meant the hold a game or application that's conflicting but its blank

Basically what i am looking for is:

An answer on which information i should use, what the CMD says or what the router says,

What is the problem with port forwarding on my router?

Thanks to all who reply.

You need to set a static IP address that is outside of the DHCP range of the router, but leave the other information the same (e.g. default gateway, DNS). For example, if the DHCP range is to, then a safe address to use can be Don't use .1 or .254 or higher.

The error message is stating that the application you are trying to use is already configured for another device. If you're using the pre-configured apps on the router, just enter the port number instead and don't bother with the given selections.

How do in find the DHCP range? in CMD when i do ipconfig/all it says its not enabled.
You find the range on the router and reserve the ip on the router not the host. It will either be in the dhcp section or lan section. Make a note of your MAC address from ipconfig/all for the interface you use (wireless or ethernet) then on the router map the MAC to an IP address as explained above. Then forward the ports to that IP.

im kind of new to port forwarding so youll have to excuse me for being a bit in the dark so i use the IP provided on my router settings not what the CMD says? and how do map the mac address to the ip? i do it on my windows computer but then i just start trying to port forward in my router settings, This part is probably whats causing the issue

You map mac to IP on the routerouter it will either be in the LAN section or dhcp