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budget build help


Oct 6, 2012
I'm pretty sure that in the next 2 or 3 weeks i will do a partial upgrade then next month finish it up. currently my system is
amd phenom 8400
nvidia 9800
4gb ddr2 ram
stock 300w psu
stock hp case

for this first dive into the upgrade i only want to spend $350, i can reuse parts from my current build (hdd cd drive gpu for now) and i was thinking new ram mobo psu case and cpu then later on get a gpu and maybe new hdd. this build is for gaming, i would like it to be able to stream/record.
i planned on getting the fx 6300 but was not to sure on what a good mobo and ram would be that fits in the budget with that. i'd like the option of overclocking and plan on getting a cpu cooler too, probably just a cheap 30-50 dollar one (also probably later on)

one last thing i already have a windows disc so that's no worry.
For a budget build that will do fine. It's a cheap brand, but it should do just fine.

Please keep in mind that it only has 2 DDR3 slots, so do NOT buy more than 2 sticks. Also, give up on any USB3.0 or SATA3.0. You only NEED SATA3 if you have SSDs, though. If you do have SSDs, their speed might be limited.
Here's a rough guide to parts I'd look at:
FX-8320: $145
XFX 550W PSU: $45
Case: $30
8Gb DDR3-1600: $50
That's exactly $350! If you want links to specific parts just let me know! I didn't include a CPU fan, which I'd recommend but I could fit it and the FX-8320, which is great value, in the budget!
while i am very tempted by your build and it works perfectly with my budget, i am on a budget and any money saved will be awesome and most likely help me get a better gpu so i was browsing around and saw this combo deal on newegg. for $135 you get a fx 6300 and this mobo


so basically the mobo is 15 bucks and i was wondering if it will be fine, i'm not expecting gold but as long as theres no terrible things about it i think its a sweet deal.

I also found this combo

Its a good deal, but you couldn't do any OCing whatsoever. Not only that but you don't get Sata 3 and USB 3.0.
For a budget build that will do fine. It's a cheap brand, but it should do just fine.

Please keep in mind that it only has 2 DDR3 slots, so do NOT buy more than 2 sticks. Also, give up on any USB3.0 or SATA3.0. You only NEED SATA3 if you have SSDs, though. If you do have SSDs, their speed might be limited.
ok thanks guys i'll keep looking for a bit, i dont really care for usb3.0 its not necessary yet and i wont be getting a ssd anytime soon soo yeah what about the msi board, the combo is $150-ish and it has usb3 and i think sata 3 and people claim to have oc'd a good amount with it again thanks for the help.
It's a good upgrade, but motherboards are all about whether or not you'll be using the features. No need to pay extra if you won't use USB3.0, for example.

And if you're in for budget, if you overclock you'll need a cooler which means additional expenses as well.
I wouldn't get such a low quality motherboard with an FX 8320... Here's what I would do:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($144.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI 970A-G46 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($79.98 @ Outlet PC)
Memory: Kingston Predator Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2133 Memory ($58.61 @ NCIX US)
Case: Zalman Z5 Plus ATX Mid Tower Case ($39.99 @ Microcenter)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($44.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $368.56
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-09-11 22:52 EDT-0400)
yeah i know i'll need a cooler, i'm just trying to decide if the 20-ish dollars is worth the little features. msi seems to have better quality and the little features are nice.

one last (hopefully last) question. is it worth it to get 1866mhz ram? over 1600 that is. i will be getting 8gb and im not sure if i should get 1866 or 1600 also can you guys recommend some ram right now i have a build in mind that is the 6300 +msi/biostar board a case for 50 a modular psu for 50 (530w) and 1866 8gb of gskill ram (around 75 bucks) and my total is around $300 (so i probably can squeeze in a cooler so a nice cheap cooler recommendation would be nice to, i heard some good things about the hyper 212 cooler)
i'll most likely be getting 1866 ram because its usually just a few dollars more

now the psu i have some questions about. i plan on getting the 760 within a few months so the psu would need to be able to handle that. would a 500w work or the corsair cx430m (its $25 after mail in rebate)
I think i'm all set now. Today i got an email about neweggs newest deals and switched up some things to save as much money. from newegg i will be getting

RAIDMAX HYBRID 2 RX-630SS 630W for $45
Kingston HyperX Blu 8GB 1600mhz for $55
The fx 6300 and MSI 760GMA-P34(FX) for $160 (combo deal
for a total of $260

Then i'm getting the nzxt M59 for $40 from amazon all have free shipping for a total of $300 i could swap the mobo for another $50 one and use another promo code on the 6300 to get $10 off but i couldn't find any that were really worth it.

That PSU is low quality, but everything else looks god.

If you plan to get dual GTX 760s you will need a 750w PSU