Budget CPU for gaming | Intel g3528 vs Intel g4400


Dec 31, 2013
from the title , i want to know which CPU provide more FPS when pairing with mid-end GPU like r9 280x 3gb ?
The cheapest CPU I'd recommend would be the Athlon X4 860K, but you would need a decent motherboard and an aftermarket CPU cooler so you can overclock it.

For Intel, I'd look at the i3 4170 or the new Skylake 6300 as a minimum. (and if you are going with the Skylake, get a Haswel i5 instead)

Reality has passed dual core Intel CPU's by, for gaming.

aww it will bottleneck ?
what the budget CPU you recommended sir at least for the 280x not to bottleneck ?
The cheapest CPU I'd recommend would be the Athlon X4 860K, but you would need a decent motherboard and an aftermarket CPU cooler so you can overclock it.

For Intel, I'd look at the i3 4170 or the new Skylake 6300 as a minimum. (and if you are going with the Skylake, get a Haswel i5 instead)

Reality has passed dual core Intel CPU's by, for gaming.

What about a 6100?
Hi. This thread is both old and solved, so we discourage posting to such threads. It's called Necromancy, the reviving of dead threads.

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In answer to your question, at the time I posted there was only a $2 price difference between the 6100 and the 6300, today, the price difference is $20. THEN the advice stands, TODAY, I would recommend a 6100 to the OP. The fluidity of prices and the release of new product rapidly makes older advice less useful, which is another reason we discourage necromancy.