Budget Gaming CPU


Oct 16, 2013
I'm going to buy a z97 mobo and a cheap processor so that I can upgrade to a broadwell i5 when they release. I don't want to spend a lot so I want to buy a pentium g3220. It's just a quick solution until broadwell is released. Do you think that a pentium will be able to handle moderate gaming and skype calls at the same time? I don't care if it limits performance since I will be upgrading shortly, I just don't want to have freezes.

Thanks in advance

Define 'moderate gaming.' What games do you intend to play?

The Pentium is a very competent chip, and it is about as powerful as a Core 2 Quad from 2009 or so.

I think it shouldn't have any issue!

Define 'moderate gaming.' What games do you intend to play?

The Pentium is a very competent chip, and it is about as powerful as a Core 2 Quad from 2009 or so.

I think it shouldn't have any issue!

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