I have a few questions about a list of parts for my first gaming PC, which is around $450. Here is the full list of parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/csgo1207/saved/#view=6WbD4D I didn't want to get a cheap case, motherboard or any other parts, so I decided to get better parts and it is ready for future upgrades. I plan to buy the parts in July, I might have more money to get a better CPU or GPU, but for now, I want to prepare for if I only have enough for these parts. I plan to play a few older and less demanding games like Skyrim, CS:GO, Minecraft, Metro: Last Light, and so on. Will the Intel Pentium G3258 with the R7 260x and 8GB of RAM be enough to play those games and a few others at medium to high settings? I don't expect to play any games on max settings with 60+ FPS, but will games at least be playable, what I mean is decent settings and above 30 FPS? Like I said, I wanted to get quality parts instead of getting a better CPU and GPU now and get poor quality motherboard or case, I do plan to upgrade to an i5 and a GTX 970 in the future, so this build will be ready! If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on the build, please let me know, thank you.